2010-2011 Slate of Officers Elected
Posted by Steve Clay
Chet Fulone and Jim Lancaster presented the Nominating Committee's slate of officers for 2010-2011.
The Nominating Committee's slate of officers for 2010-2011 was unanimously elected at the Falmouth Rotary Club's December 1, 2009 meeting at the Nimrod Restaurant. President, Jim Lancaster; Vice-president, Marjorie Macy; President-elect, Jack Rosenbaum; Secretary, Tony Scancella; Treasurer, George Pelletier; Assistant Treasurer, Linda Rando; Sargeant-at-Arms, Rudy Hunter; Board of Directors, Miriam Morse and Chet Fulone; Immediate Past-president, Steve Clay.
Congratulations and thanks to all who have volunteered to take leadership roles for the coming year.